Reunion is a Family Tradition

The JJ Musgrove brothers and sisters were always a very close family helping each other with the various chores. At a young age I remember while living with my grand-parents Claude and Mattie, granddaddy would take me with him when he was helping his brother or sister. I remember pulling corn in the fields of Uncle Leon, Aunt Beulah, Uncle Rufus, and Uncle Alonzo. I can still see each of those corn fields all of which had previously been owned by JJ; although I sometimes can't remember where I put my coffee cup. I'm not sure when the first JJ Musgrove family reunion was held but somewhere in the 1950s granddaddy set aside a shaded area next to Burl Musgrove's house on Hwy 20 (28) as a Musgrove Community Park and that is my earliest recollection of the reunions. They built several picnic tables and seating enough to accommodate 40 to 50 people. Howard Hill built the BBQ pit. Below are some old 8mm movie film that I had transferred to digital; not good quality but you can still recognize many of our family members. Don't just look at who the camera is focused on but those in the background. I've slowed the motion rate as much as possible without taking away all the movement. It still goes by pretty fast. If you watch on YouTube, it's larger, you just have to exit YouTube (by closing the Tab) to return to this site.


LATE 1960s

1966 Musgrove Family Reunion
The Year is either 1966 or 1967. Joni was born in April 1965 and she looks to be about 2 years old on the film. This is the earlest of the three films as Burl's house has not yet been bricked.


1967 Musgrove Family Reunion
The Year is either 1967 or 1968. Does anyone remember who this lady might be. Her and her husband was always at the reunions but I can't remember her name or how she is connected to our reunion.


1968 Musgrove Family Reunion
The Year is either 1969 or 1970.


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